Our Services


Bring your business into the digital age.

Digital Transformation

Modernize and automate your operations. Make the robots do stuff for you.

Ready to move your business into the 21st century and leave all your paperwork behind? We can design and configure a tech stack that suits you and your business. Learn how to:

  • maximize your productivity and prevent expensive mistakes with management software,
  • outsource parts of your job to your customers,
  • make bookkeeping a breeze, and
  • digitize (and then shred) the paperwork bursting from your filing cabinets.

Technology Management

Leave the backups and maintenance to us.
Don’t want to manage your own tech? Leave the backups and maintenance to us. We’ll keep your site secure, your SEO optimized, and your business online. Our technology management services include:
  • website and email hosting,
  • performance monitoring,
  • backup maintenance,
  • routine updates,
  • SEO optimization,
  • and more.

(Oh, and if you have any questions about what any of these things are, we’re happy to explain them to you in plain English!)

Technology Training

Gain proficiency in the latest tech tools.
Technology can be intimidating for new adopters. We can help you master virtually any software solution with our affordable training sessions. You’ll work with us one-on-one, learning everything you need to know to navigate, configure, and operate a variety of business applications, including (but not limited to):
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, Calendar, Contacts, Outlook),
  • Google Workspace (Docs, Slides, Sheets, Calendar, Voice, Contacts, Gmail),
  • Project management solutions like Paymo, ClickUp, Asana, Trello, HoneyBook, and Monday,
  • Communication and virtual meeting platforms like Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet,
  • Graphic design software like Canva, Affinity Designer, and Affinity publisher,
  • Content management and e-commerce software like WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify,
  • Newletter management software like Mailchimp and Mailster,
  • Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo,
  • Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, and Tiktok, and
  • Social media automation software like CoSchedule, Tweetdeck, and Hootsuite.

You’ll also learn how to use knowledge bases, navigate and understand documentation, contact support, and make feature requests.

Digital Marketing

Make your business internet famous.

Web & Graphic Design

Our design sessions are collaborative, which means you’re welcome to watch live and participate while we build your website or create your print materials. Schedule a design consultation appointment today!

Social Media Marketing

Outsource your social media marketing to us! We’ll create the strategy and the content. We’ll also interact with your audience and analyze performance to drive customer engagement.

E-Commerce Setup

Make sure your store is always open for business by making your products available for purchase online! We can help you choose and configure the e-commerce solution that best suits your needs and preferences.


Finding the right words can be difficult. We can write or edit any text you require, including blog posts, promotional copy, sales listings, press releases, website content, email newsletters, documentation. 

Content Strategy

Are you eager to create high-conversion content but unsure where to start? Let’s talk about how you can drastically increase your traffic and sales with a thoughtful, authentic approach to content marketing.


Help your business be its best self. 

Project Management

Major projects have many moving parts and can be hard for untrained people to manage. Hire us to create and oversee your next major endeavor.

Problem Solving

We specialize in solving seemingly unsolvable problems! If you’re feeling lost and overwhelmed, contact us today to learn how we can help you through it.

Startup Consulting

We will guide you through the process of identifying your target market, creating a business plan, obtaining funding, securing a location, developing protocols, and building a strong team.


Owning a business is stressful. It doesn’t take long before a few neglected tasks (or troublesome employees) turn into an overwhelming burden that threatens your business. We can help. Let’s talk.

Owner Transitions

Is it time for you to step back from daily operations and become a full-time owner-manager? Are you preparing to sell or semi-retire? Let us help you create and execute a successful transition plan!

Financial Structuring

Tina specializes in pricing and compensation calculation. Let her crunch your numbers and show you how to expand your profit margin while ensuring your employee compensation remains competitive.

Efficiency Evaluations

Time is money. How much of both could you save? We’ll review your current processes and protocols, then provide time-saving solutions for you to consider.

Expense Auditing

Let’s find out where your money is going! We’ll evaluate all of your business spending and determine what can be eliminated or replaced with free alternatives.

Document Drafting

No matter what kind of document your small business requires—employee handbooks, product catalogs, brochures, or even grant applications—we can write and format it.

Talent Recruiting

Finding and screening quality candidates can be intimidating. Let us take some of the pressure off by creating and executing a talent recruitment strategy tailored to your business’s needs.